Quality by hebro®chemie. Made in Germany.

Water treatment

Water is one of the most precious resources on Earth

For the expansive field of industrial waster water and circulation water treatment, we offer the ideal solution in all related categories, be that in paint detackification, self-contained recirculating cooling water systems, general treatment of waste water or the preparation of untreated or surface water in order to produce process water.

Ancillary products such as defoaming agents and biocides round off our product range, so you can count on high process reliability.

We help you minimise your consumption and disposal of water, in order to protect the world’s most precious resource.


Coolant treatment

It is worth paying closer attention to coolant treatment: if the circulation water is not treated with the appropriate additives, this may result in corrosion, scale deposits and flocculation in the water lines of the system, reducing their cooling performance. It may even lead to disruptions to operations in the worst case scenario.

You can avoid all that with products from hebro®chemie.

Our team of experts is ready to help you choose suitable products for your application.

Note: Open cooling circuits are subject to the 42nd Ordinance on the Implementation of the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchV). Information on your responsibilities as an operator and how hebro®chemie can help can be found in our information sheet.

Let our experts advise you.

Hivolin products

The products from hebro®mosol provide powerful water conditioning and corrosion protection for the food industry.

The products can be used in autoclaves, sterilisers and pasteurising installations of all types and provide ideal corrosion protection for your entire system. There will be no negative interactions with the food being preserved. With products from the hebro®mosol range, high-quality foodstuffs of all kinds can be manufactured as preserves in jars, plastic and aluminium containers in such a way that customers and consumers are provided with optimum results.



Further information can be found in our product brochure (PDF) and in the shop.
Let our experts advise you. Give us a call.


Let our team of experts advise you.
We are here for you! 

+49 (0)2166 60 09 134